About This Service
Our experienced property lawyers understand that a commercial lease isn’t simply a business transaction, it requires ongoing rapport and communication.
The ongoing success of a commercial lease is highly dependent on amicable, and mutually respectful relationships between the tenant and the landlord, as well as their representatives.
Our commercial lawyers at Nevile & Co. strive to preserve these relationships by negotiating in a manner that represents our respect for you as our client. However, we also show our understanding that we are assisting you not only with the preparation and amending of lease documents, but also with building long term relationships between all the parties involved.
Commercial leases are legally binding contracts, so it is important to have one of our experienced property lawyers on your side when dealing with a lease dispute.
Understandably, the ongoing impacts of COVID-19 restrictions are continuing to be felt by both tenants and landlords alike. We have been incredibly lucky in our ability to provide expert legal advice throughout the pandemic regarding the complexities of altering commercial lease arrangements.
Whether you are a commercial landlord or tenant, we are here to guide you through the complex issues that may arise during lease disputes, particularly ongoing rent reductions measures, and eviction moratoriums. We can also assist you with lease negotiations and drafting amended lease documents.
If you need commercial lease legal advice and assistance from an experienced and local law firm, contact us today.