To meet our firm and find out why we’re right for you, contact us today.

About This Service

As a full-service firm, our clients come to us for a broad range of services. Trust us, there is not much we haven’t had experience with.

After being in the legal business for over 50 years, we truly have seen it all. With experience and expertise honed over decades, we’re ready to assist you and provide solutions to whatever problem you may have.

Whilst we are proud of our ability to offer comprehensive legal services across a broad range of disciplines, Nevile & Co.’s unique client base has allowed us to build particular expertise surrounding several key niche areas of the law that may otherwise be overlooked.

In particular, the sale and acquisition of pest control companies, handling large scale property development transactions, and dealing with owners’ corporation disputes.

To keep up with the constant law industry developments, we make sure our team has access to the highest quality educational resources, so we can stay flexible and agile in our approach to the profession, even in the niche areas.

If you need specific or niche legal advice and assistance from an experienced and local law firm, contact us today.

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To meet our firm and find out why we’re right for you, contact us today.
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